I went up to Boston this weekend to see my little brother Joe at the Boston Tattoo Convention at the Boston Center for the Arts. Here he is inflicting pain on some poor trusting sap that likes his work enough to permanently embed it in his skin. Isn't he cute! Anyway, it was pretty cool. You could hear the guns buzzing when you walked in the building there were so many people getting tattoos. Saw a few artists whose work I really liked. Jess Guercia, a lover of robots. Her illustrations were awesome. Dan Henk does some pretty crazy horror stuff. Canman from Visions Tattoo had some stuff that really reminded me of Alex Grey's work, which I love! And, as a side note, he was my sculpture anatomy teacher in college. Alex Grey, not the Canman. This guy Jason Ackerman from Exceptional Tattoo is amazingly talented as well. If you're looking to get a tattoo I highly recommend checking out their work. I think there were a few others but I can't remember their names off the top of my head. Besides, too much of my memory of the event has been filled with images of the Boston Babydolls. It's a burlesque group, which sounds cool, but the performer that we saw reminded me of my mother. And the last thing I think anyone wants to see is their mom stripping on stage. I took some photos with my film camera so I'll try to remember to post them when I get them developed. For now, I got this video off their website. I'm not so sure it does our experience justice but I'm putting it in anyway because.... how could I not. Just watch with caution....
So I went to Greg Simkins "It Wanders, East" opening on Saturday at the Joshua Liner Gallery in Chelsea. Me, Joe, Melissa and James jumped in the car and drove down to NYC in the middle of the torrential downpour. But it was so worth it!! This guys stuff is incredible! He works with acrylics but the effects he gets are just like oils. The images don't do it justice, you have to see these in person if you can. He's a real nice guy too, got to talk to him for a bit, took his picture with Joe, very exciting. (I'm sure that photo will show up on the salty slug) Definitely check out Simkins stuff though....
So, I've been a bad blogger..... What can I say, I'm new at this and haven't really felt the need to blog about what I'm doing since I talk to the two people that actually read this on a regular basis. But here I am anyway, dutifully blogging again.... I am showing work at the North End Artists Coop again at 648 Main St in Middletown. Who'd have thought I'd ever step foot in there again! Anyway, the new gallery is called MAC650 and is run by the ridiculously talented Joseph Dinunzio. Paul Gobel, another Coop member, organized a group show for September. I put a few old pieces in. My chair, "Booty Call,"always a hit, a new-ish photograph and a monotype. I know, I still can't decide which direction to go in. Stop by the gallery sometime this month and check out some of the other work. It's a great space and awesome things are going to start happening there. Oh, and check out the gallery blogpot... it's over there... to your right.